Sugar Dog Life – Eng Sub
- Drama: Sugar Dog Life
- Country: Japan
- Episodes: 10
- Aired: Aug 4, 2024 – ?
- Aired On: Sunday
- Original Network: ABC, TV Asahi
- Duration: 30 min.
A love story interwoven between Sakuraba Isumi, a short, baby-faced university student who is a great cook, and Amasawa Kyosuke, a tall, sincere police officer with a natural, easygoing charm.
Twenty-year-old Isumi is mistaken for a minor and nearly gets taken into custody by Amasawa. Later, Isumi runs into Amasawa again at the convenience store where he works part-time. From then on, every time they meet, Amasawa asks for recommendations for late-night snacks. Concerned about Amasawa’s eating habits, Isumi offers, “How about I come over and cook for you?” Visiting Amasawa’s home, they grow closer through home-cooked meals.
Omg so cute already!
Mechaa kawaii!!! was a slow burn..well i read the manga,.its was more clingy than this..but i do enjoy the live drama..cant hardly wait for next week!
Hi Aoki,,, Greetings!!!
Where is episode 2 it should have come out yesterday
what happened to the last couple minutes of english sub? and I don’t mean the preview
Wonderful show. I so love Japanese fluff.
Hi ZoogonyZen,,, Greetings!!!
Thank you. I love your platform! Such a varied selection, and huge library.
Epi 3 please
Epi 4 please
Epi 5?
They’re both so cute, and Amasawa-san seems like he’s a good person in irl too! ( ´ ▽ `)