Smells Like Green Spirit -


  1. After watching EP2 one can’t help but root for the 2 trans kids!

    1. they arnt trans love either here or in the manga. its the way gays often referred to themselves in those times and still do in some asian countries like malaysia its a way to say more of a sister gay a feminine gay.

  2. ZoogonyZen says:

    This is a wonderful bit of Japanese fluff.

  3. The gay duo is so cute!!🤍
    That pedophile gotta go though. Like ew, I’m disgusted.

    1. Like Mishima Toshi mentioned… the teacher’s Pandora’s box was opened. He suffered a lot & went through some hard time in his life. That most definitely does not justify his actions towards his student! But, there is something to feel sorry for Sensei… wish that he was able to express his sexuality freely and live his life.

  4. fleur2jade says:

    Ouch !!! J’ai pris une claque !!!
    On se dit que ce genre d’événements ne doit plus se produire à notre époque… que les mentalités ont évolué… mais non… en 30 ans beaucoup de progrès mais toujours pas de vrai liberté, et certainement pas dans certains pays asiatiques qui se veulent progressistes.
    Merci à l’administrateur pour ce partage. J’ai passe un très bon moment en visionnant ce Yaoï 😉😊🥰

  5. New episode please!!

  6. Can we get the last episodes pleaseee ?

  7. ZoogonyZen says:

    When might we see the last 2 episodes drop???? Thanks!

  8. When can we see the last 2 final episodes????

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